Invasive Species Behind the Notoriety: Multi-directional Narratives for Abundant Futures

Eunha Chang, Invasive Species Behind the Notoriety: Multi-directional Narratives for Abundant Futures, 2021, mixed media, dimensions variable.
Eunha Chang, Lecture by Professor Maxwell’s Demon, 2021, text, single-channel video, colour, sound, 11min 7sec
Eunha Chang, Maxwell’s Demon(s)- Asexual Reproduction, 2021, hologram fan, single-channel digital video, colour
En-Man Chang, 414km, Highway No. 9, single-channel video, colour, sound, 24min 36 sec
En-Man Chang, Turn East onto Road 68-1 at 423km, Highway No. 9, single-channel video, colour, sound, 21min 53 sec
These videos were selected by Eunha Chang as part of Invasive Species Behind the Notoriety.
Eunha Chang, Maxwell’s Demon(s)- Asexual Reproduction, 2021, hologram fan, single-channel digital video, colour
En-Man Chang, 414km, Highway No. 9, single-channel video, colour, sound, 24min 36 sec
En-Man Chang, Turn East onto Road 68-1 at 423km, Highway No. 9, single-channel video, colour, sound, 21min 53 sec
These videos were selected by Eunha Chang as part of Invasive Species Behind the Notoriety.